Foto de Piero Manrique Estados Unidos

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I started to paint when I was very young. All that started with my drawings when I was 5. I was sitting for hours drawing and erasing caricatures all the time. My goal was to precisely reflect the object. I felt amazing feeling of excitement when I saw finished picture. Step by step, the drawing became my passion. In this moment my life has changed, I drew more and more. The place that helped me in the development of this...

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¡Mira todo lo que te ofrecemos!
19.69 x 7.87 in
19.69 x 7.87 in
19.69 x 7.87 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
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Foto de Piero Manrique Estados Unidos

I started to paint when I was very young. All that started with my drawings when I was 5. I was sitting for hours drawing and erasing caricatures all the time. My goal was to precisely reflect the object. I felt amazing feeling of excitement when I saw finished picture. Step by step, the drawing became my passion. In this moment my life has changed, I drew more and more. The place that helped me in the development of this new stage of my life, was my primary school. It was something in me that forced me to create. Something that I used much more often than my schoolmates. I was practicing drawing for years and realized that I do this each time better. After some time I was not called by my own name but the “artist”. When I was 12 I immigrated to United States with all my hopes and dreams, but things were not easy. The assimilation with local culture took me much time. The most difficult was to learn how to communicate with people. The first light, that helped me to raise over the cultural differences was my passion to Art. Professors in schools that I attended to, helped me very much. They saw in me something that distinguished me from others. They introduced me into the world of great possibilities. They showed me how to use various painting materials, taught how to experiment with coloured pencils, pastels, acrylics, oils. I entered into the world of great creative possibilities. During this period I started to paint magic worlds sin limits, whose quantity limited only my imagination. My transformation began when I was 14. I created in those days my first oily paintings, evolving as a human and as an artist.

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